
Hello Everyone, 

The price of Bitcoin over the last few weeks has really caused a lot of havoc. From super high transaction fees to super long block chain wait times. More advertising companies are switching to US currency structures and payments and many sites are closing shop. If you didn’t know, CoinPot and Moon Faucets are going away soon. If you have funds with them make sure to collect it before the closure.

As we have seen over the last few weeks the effects the Bitcoin price has had on our site. It has lowered earnings in bitcoin in almost every aspect. But still earnings are relatively close to the same as they were before due to the value of bitcoin increasing.

Amongst all the craziness, we are still making site improvements and trying to increase your earnings. We have simplified and lowered the cost of our monthly membership programs. We have made huge improvements to our CPU mining feature with future upgrades to come. We have drastically reduced the price of banner advertising to 1,000 Bits per day.

After several weeks of testing direct to bitcoin wallet withdraws of 10,000 Satoshi. It has led to too many complications. To maintain all 3 payment gateways the same we have unfortunately had to raise the minimum withdraw to 15,000 Satoshi. Please go to the membership page to view all the new changes.

That's all for now,  take care, stay safe, and earn as many Bits as possible.

Views: 1,374 | Comments: 3 | Date: 21 Jan 2021 07:51