
Hello everyone, Welcome! Today is the first day of our official BETA launch! The next 48 hours are all about you, our founding members! The one's that have patiently assisted us and continue to assist us as we get ready to complete the first stage of development. This coupon code is a gift for you. ** 9400-5009-3763-6818 ** 5,000 Satoshi placed in your purchase balance. This is your chance to promote your product or favorite affiliate program to our members here absolutely free. There's another gift for you on our Facebook Fan Page. Use the Jobs link to navigate there, collect your gift, click the like button, then come back and get more bits for completing the job. Oh, one last thing. Our site membership prices have been temporarily lowered and any member that upgrades in the next 48 hours will receive an additional 11 months free. Thats 12 months for the price of one. All of the free promotions mentioned will be gone 48 hours from now. This is a great time to invite your friends so they can take advantage of the free membership upgrade offer which they should be able to afford after collecting all of their free gifts. (HINT) Take care members, happy earning and there is a lot more still to come.

Views: 1,558 | Comments: 1 | Date: 01 Oct 2019 05:57